Hi there! My name is Paul and I'm a home winemaker, Carneros grape grower, and web developer. I've created VinWorks as an accessible means to improve the winemaking process for both the hobbyist and professional winery.
Traditionally I've relied on using pen and paper to take notes on processing grapes into a finished product. This method is a simple way to get started but I eventually wanted to integate some technology into the process. Upon viewing the available options it became clear they are limited, tailored to professional wineries at high price points, and generally aren't easy to try without filling out a form to be consulted. Rather than settling for an excel spreadsheet, VinWorks helps fill the technology gap and provides useful tools for all to enjoy.
If you would like to contact me, have a feature request, or technical issue, send an email to:
Thanks for using VinWorks!
- Paul